
Server Record: 01:17.76
# Name Time PointsVersionFPSDate
106. nakeed 02:16.26 35 8684 131 22/03/2024
107. #Сутенёр kz-escort 02:16.81 35 8684 131 10/11/2024
108. azdxx 02:16.82 35 8684 131 25/08/2024
109. thE hllx-* 02:16.91 34 9920 131 05/08/2024
110. MiM'd 02:17.09 34 8684 131 06/12/2024
111. kalja3 02:17.78 33 9920 131 25/08/2024
112. durrty goodz 02:17.91 32 8684 131 02/02/2024
113. pain is the name of the game. 02:19.16 32 9920 131 23/02/2024
114. farouk---ayoub 02:21.33 32 8684 130 24/12/2023
115. MitakaMadafaka 02:21.53 32 10210 131 11/01/2025
116. ucantavukiswallking 02:21.57 31 9920 131 29/03/2024
117. SKIDROW 02:21.88 30 9920 131 25/01/2024
118. CH ^_* 02:23.09 30 8684 131 30/12/2023
119. LENJA PCELA 02:23.80 29 10065 99.5 06/06/2024
120. agaiN 02:24.47 29 8684 131 14/02/2024